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FALL 2018

'Mmmarien Don't Forget To Fly'

Mmmarien is a fictional character. She’s an avian humanoid. This collection is about her journey from always hiding from life to start wondering and discovering her reason in life. Mmmarien Don’t Forget To Fly is also a mantra she keeps to her heart to remind herself always.

For I really want to play with structure and shape for this collection, especially when times was mushy and glooming, my first instinct is to used shape and structure, hope to kind of underpin and solidify both women’s mental and physical, so I draw inspiration mainly from architect and also El Lissitzky painting this time. In his painting, shape and space were arranged in a unique way. I find it also very intriguing, playful and sacred in a same time. It excites and inspires me through the whole process of designing for this collection.

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© 2021 PAYAHUI

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